Map your acne

Map your acne

Today, we're going to explore the fascinating topic of acne localization on the face. Did you know that where your pimples appear can give you valuable insights into what might be causing them? Let's dive in!

1. Forehead Acne: Stress and Hair Products

Ever noticed those pesky bumps popping up on your forehead? Stress could be a significant contributor. When we're stressed, our bodies produce more cortisol, a hormone that can lead to increased oil production and clogged pores. Additionally, if you use hair products like pomades or gels, they can easily transfer onto your forehead, clogging pores and causing breakouts.7 Forehead Pimple Causes That You Probably Didn't Know – Garnier India

2. T-Zone Acne: Hormonal Imbalance and Diet

The T-zone, encompassing the forehead, nose, and chin, is notorious for acne flare-ups. Hormonal imbalances, especially during puberty or menstruation, can lead to increased sebum production, resulting in acne in this area. Moreover, a diet high in refined sugars and carbohydrates can exacerbate acne in the T-zone due to their impact on insulin levels and inflammation.

Acne Face Map: What Spots in Different Areas Mean

3. Cheek Acne: Dirty Phones and Pillowcases

Our cheeks can be prone to breakouts due to external factors like dirty phones and pillowcases. Throughout the day, our phones accumulate bacteria and oils from our hands and surroundings. Pressing our phones against our cheeks can transfer these impurities, leading to acne. Similarly, sleeping on a dirty pillowcase can reintroduce bacteria and oils to our skin night after night, contributing to cheek acne.

Acne Face Map: The Cause of These Breakouts

4. Chin and Jawline Acne: Hormonal Fluctuations and Dairy

Acne along the chin and jawline is often linked to hormonal fluctuations, particularly in women. This area is more sensitive to androgens, male hormones that can stimulate oil production and pore clogging. Additionally, dairy consumption has been associated with acne due to its hormonal components and potential to increase insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), leading to inflammation and breakouts in the chin and jawline area.

Jawline acne: Causes, treatment and prevention


Understanding the potential causes behind acne localization can empower you to make informed decisions about your skincare routine and lifestyle habits. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to skincare, so stick to a gentle cleansing routine and consider incorporating our Smile Patches into your regimen for targeted treatment of those stubborn pimples.

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